Giving back to the local and global community.
Our Aim: To impact and help communities, businesses and individuals who are in distress and/or hardship.
What is the MKSK Consulting Give Back Programme?
Using our skills, talent and technology to help others.
Supporting charities.
Helping those in need and in crisis.
Mentoring others
At the MKSK Volunteers program we have a desire, resources and the talent.
We look at sustainable projects where possible to provide a long lasting effect to the local community.
Together, let’s help the world!
Examples of Previous Projects MKSK has supported:
- Developing Websites for Charities
- Mentoring
- Providing Meals to the needy
- Build Water Wells
- Supporting Orphan’s
- Building community centres
You can support our give back programme on our upcoming projects!
Be a part of something bigger
The only reason I can see further is because I stand on the shoulders of giants